Rules Governing Membership
An account is opened in the member's name only,
Members must comply with the tax laws which apply to them and declare the funds they have with the Mutual Association if required by law. The Mutual Association will effect verifications of the application of this mandatory compliance,
Members who have not complied with these rules must regularize their situation as the Mutual Association does not accept to hold funds that are not in compliance with tax regulations,
Members are requested to communicate to the Mutual Association, by postal or internal mail, any change of duty station, office number, private address, email address, phone numbers, and to update every 5 years the designation of beneficiaries and power of attorney forms,
Members who change their email address and who have a secured access are requested to update it directly in their secured access,
If the addresses (email, private and professional) of the members are not updated, the Mutual Association will charge search fees. In case a member cannot be located, membership will be terminated,
Members who retire on pension can remain members but must contact the Mutual Association before their departure in order to update their file. If a member's file is not updated, or if the documents received are incomplete and/or imprecise, the access to the services will be refused to this member,
Membership will be terminated if no operation is performed over a period of 3 years, and if members have no deposit nor outstanding loans,
Members must request a secured login in order to check their account(s) online, download biannual statements, tax attestations, loan statements, annual reports, process with wire transfers, receive minutes of the General Assemblies, etc,
Members who change duty station and are not employed by a member organization but by an organization within the United Nations system can remain a member of the Mutual Association but can no longer deposit funds in their account(s) nor apply for loans,
Members who leave the United Nations system must close their account(s) and repay any debt at the time of departure,
Members who wish to close their account must send a duly signed request to the Mutual Association,
In case of death of a member, his/her membership ends and his/her account(s) must be closed within 6 months. If the member has a CHF deposit account, this will be closed at the member's date of death, and the savings credited to a CHF current account until the settlement of the estate.
The Mutual Association provides members with a secured access that enables them, free of charge, to consult accounts and loans, to download biannual statements, tax attestations, amortization plans and to effect wire transfers,
Members who do not want to process on-line will be charged a fee if they wish to obtain duplicates of documents, of archived information or for any other request that requires manual processing by the Mutual Association.
Secured Access
A single access is authorized per member,
A member who requests a secured access is informed, by email, when the codes are sent. Without news from him/her within 1 month from the date of the email, the codes are considered as being received,
Any request for a reset of the codes received beyond 30 days will be charged unless the last codes received do not work,
It is the member's responsibility to pay attention to the codes received and to respect the disclaimer mentioned on the form to request a secured access,
A new password can be requested directly on the website of the Mutual Association, on the login page.