Frequently asked questions
How do I pay the membership fee ?
Before paying the membership fee it is important to verify whether you are eligible to become a member of the Mutual Association. You can send the membership documents to the Mutual Association and your eligibility will then be confirmed and the bank details provided.
I am transferred to another UN family organization that is not affiliated to the Mutual Association. Can I remain member ?
You can remain a member but you are no longer authorized to deposit or borrow funds.
What is my account number ?
Your USD and CHF account numbers are the same and correspond to the membership number.
Do I have to declare my account to the tax authorities ?
Members must comply with the tax laws which apply to them and declare the savings they have with the Mutual Association if required by laws. Members who currently do not comply with these rules are requested to regularize their situation, the Board of Directors recalling that in no case it will accept that the Mutual Association holds funds that are not in compliance with tax regulations.
Tax attestations can be downloaded on our website with your secured login. If you do not have access, you may request codes at our office.
Can my spouse open an account with the Mutual Association ?
If your spouse is or was a staff member of an affiliated organization and meets all membership requirements, then he/she is eligible to become a member.
Can I send the designation of beneficiaries and power of attorney forms by email or fax ?
No, our Mutual Association can only accept the originals. These must be readable and clear and without any changes or corrections.
What is the current interest rate on the CHF deposit account ?
The interest rate on the CHF deposit account depends on the result of the financial year. It is agreed by the General Assembly which is held within six months after the end of each financial year. The current interest rate is therefore not known until May or June of the following year.
Is there any guarantee on my savings ?
As the Mutual Association is a fund exclusive to the United Nations there is no guarantee on your savings.
I would like to send funds to my bank account abroad. When will I receive the funds ?
An international transfer can take up to 7 days to reach the account of the beneficiary.
Do I have to become member to submit a loan application ?
No, it is not necessary to be a member to submit a loan application. However, you will have to send all documents that are requested for membership together with your loan application. If the loan is granted you must therefore become a member and the membership fee will be deducted from the amount of the loan.
I am transferred to another UN family organization that is not affiliated to the Mutual Association, What happens with my loan ?
If you are on secondment to an affiliated organization for a fixed term duration, you can keep your loan and continue to repay it with monthly instalments. You also have the possibility to apply for loans.
If you are transferred to an affiliated organization, and a separation with your current organization is done, the final emoluments will be requested by our Mutual Association in order to repay your loan. If there is an outstanding amount remaining, you will be allowed to repay it through monthly salary deductions. However, the Board of Directors reserves the right to modify the conditions depending on the conditions of your new contract.
If you are on secondment to a non-affiliated organization for a fixed term duration, you can keep your loan and continue to repay it by mean of monthly repayments. However, you will not be in a position to apply for loans during the secondment.
If you are transferred to a non-affiliated organization, you will have to fully repay your loan at the time of departure.
Is it possible to repay a loan in advance ?
A loan may be partially or totally reimbursed in advance, without fee, as long as a minimum of 6 instalments have been repaid. A partial reimbursement however, is allowed only once during the duration of the loan.
A partial or total repayment can be made only between the 1st and the 15th of each month.
Members who wish to repay their loan partially or totally in advance must send a request by email, fax or by mail to the Mutual Association for agreement.
After having received the request for an early loan repayment the Mutual Association will give its approval or request more information and documents, notably if members want to repay an amount that exceeds CHF 30,000. Upon receipt of the documents and if they clearly justify the source of funds and their traceability the Mutual Association will give its permission for the loan repayment. If the source of the funds cannot be clearly established by the usual procedures, the Mutual Association reserves the right to request more information or refuse the early repayment.
Once approved by the Mutual Association, members must strictly follow the instructions provided by the Mutual Association.
If the instructions for an early loan repayment are not strictly followed, the Mutual Association reserves the right to refuse the early repayment and to send back the funds to the sender.
I am holding a temporary contract. Can I apply for loans ?
Only staff members holding temporary contracts with WIPO or WMO can apply for loans. Staff members holding temporary contracts with other affiliated organizations are not eligible for loans.
I will take an early retirement. Can I keep my loan and continue to repay it with my pension ?
In case of departure from the organization the loan must be fully repaid, even if you take early retirement.
What will happen with my loan in the event of disability or death ?
The Mutual Association and the insurance company will verify that you have not made a false statement regarding your state of health when you applied for loans over the last 4 years and the current year. If this is not the case, the outstanding amount will be repaid by our insurance. If it is the case, the outstanding debt will have to be repaid by yourself, or by your heirs.
Is it possible to get a VAT refund ?
No, it is not possible to get a VAT refund if you buy the pass through our Mutual Association.
I would like to refund my pass. How do I proceed ?
You will have to send your pass to the Mutual Association with a letter explaining the reasons for your request. Only reasons linked to a change of address and/or duty station will be accepted.
Can my spouse and children benefit from these reduced fares ?
For Unireso, the spouse of retired members only can benefit from these reduced fares if he/she has not reached the AVS age (64 / 65). For the CFF, spouse and children, under 25, can benefit from these reduced fares.
Can I keep my account once I retire ?
Yes, you can keep your account but you must update your file at the time of your retirement if you want to continue to benefit from the services of the Mutual Association the best possible way.
Can I continue to deposit funds ?
Yes, the rules remain the same as for active members.
What will happen with my account when I die ?
When the Mutual Association is informed of the death of one of its members, the CHF deposit account is closed and the funds transferred to the CHF current account. There is no change for the USD account and the CHF current account.
If you have completed a designation of beneficiaries form, the beneficiaries will have to contact us, or we will contact them, in order to proceed with the formalities and close the accounts.
If you have not completed a designation of beneficiaries form, your heirs will have to contact us and provide, notably, an inheritance certificate in order to proceed with the formalities and close the accounts.
When I try to login the computer requests the [{0}] code. What do I have to do ?
You have to clean your computer by deleting all temporary internet files and cookies.
I cannot login to the secured access. What is the problem ?
First make sure that you have received the 3 codes sent by the Mutual Association. If it is the case it might be possible that you have changed your password and forgotten. You can submit a request for a new password on the bottom right of the login page.
If it still doesn't work you can contact the Mutual Association to have your access verified.
I try to request a new password on the website but the computer refuses the User name I enter. Why ?
Please make sure that the User name you enter starts with an M and is followed by 7 digits.
I don't see the menu bar and I am using Internet Explorer 11.
When you open Internet Explorer you have to click on "Tools", then on "Compatibility view".Type in the webpage address of the Mutual Association and click on "Add". Then on "Close". Enter the secured access with your codes, and then click again on "Tools", then on "Compatibility view". Select the webpage address of the Mutual Association, click on "Remove" and then on "Close".