CHF deposit account
- Deposits
Deposits can only be made by bank transfer,
Deposits are limited to CHF 2,000 per month,
Unless specifically mentioned in the instructions that the member gives to the bank initiating the transfer, funds received by the Mutual Association in CHF will be credited, in priority, to the CHF deposit account,
Staff members from UNOG, ITU, WMO, HCR, UNEP and IPU can request a monthly deduction from their salary as savings to be credited to the CHF deposit account. However, for members who have an automatic monthly deduction for savings and who regularly withdraw the amount, the Mutual Association reserves the right to cancel the deduction as the reason for this deduction, savings, is no longer respected.
- Withdrawals
Members can withdraw a maximum of CHF 10,000 in cash per fiscal year. Amounts collected in cash from the CHF current account are taken into consideration. Members who wish to withdraw an amount exceeding CHF 10,000 must effect a bank transfer,
Withdrawals by bank transfer are unlimited,
Withdrawals are, in principle, subject to a prior notice period of 3 working days, except for members who transfer funds through the website and have the notice reduced to 1 working day. However, the withdrawal notice for cash withdrawals may be extended as long as the maximum daily limit of cash withdrawals, set by the Board of Directors for all members, is reached. In this case, the members are put on a waiting list. If they do not want to wait they must process by bank transfer.
- Interest rate - credit of interest
The rate of interest paid on the CHF deposit account is based on the results of the financial year. It is agreed, following the proposal of the Board of Directors, by the General Assembly which is held within six months following the end of each financial year,
Members holding a CHF deposit account with a balance of more than CHF 400,000 at year-end will be remunerated as if they had only CHF 400,000. Amounts exceeding this limit will not benefit from any interest from the 2016 financial year,
Interest is credited to the member's account after the annual General Assembly, retroactive to 1 January following the end of the financial year.If a CHF deposit account is closed before the annual General Assembly, the interest rate applied will be the last one approved by the General Assembly.